Karma Guideline

What to do While wokeup-> Bhrama Muhurtham of a day
Sanitary Procedures to followed
Choucham – Cleaning procedures after urine and dung – Niyamam
How to do Achamanam etc.
Rules and Method around performing Japas and Tharpanam with Wet clothes
The position for Devatheertham and timings around its usage
Information around Tharpam and Pavithram
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
Timings when Aachamanam should be done mandatorily
Dandha Davana Vidhi (Rules around brushing teeth)
Branches/leaves which are fit for usage to brush the teeth
Barks of Trees which are fit for usage to brush the teeth
Trees and Barks that are not fit for usage to brush the teeth
Vihita Nishitangal
Timings around when Brushing of teeth is to be avoided using Barks/trees
Timings around when Brushing of teeth is to be avoided using leaves
Timings around when Brushing of teeth is to be avoided completely
Mantra to be uttered for usage of the Bark for brushing the teeth
Snanam – Taking Bath
The Kramam (Rule) for five angas of Snanam
The quality (Lakshana) of Arunodhaya Kaalam (Sunrise period)
Snanaga Tharpanam
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi 2
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi 3
Rules around wearing of Kacham and Veshti
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi 4
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi 5
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi 6
Mantra to be uttered to show Vaastram (Veshti) to Soorya (Sun)
Mantra to be uttered while wearing Vesthi (Vastram)
Cloths not to be worn (Cloths which are unfit for a Bhramana)
Nagnathva Lakshanam (When a person is considered to be Nude)
Karmas that should not be done without Uthriyam (Uthriyam = 4 or 5 yard cloth that is used around the Hip or across the shoulders with Veshti)
Vishesha Dharmas around Snanam and its rules
Rules around usage of Samudra Theertham
Rules around usage of Hot water for Snanam (Bath)
Sambarkachoucha Vishayam
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
What is meant by Nisi (Midnight to early morning)
Timings during which Hiranya Srardham should be performed
Niyamam (Rules) around Grahana Kaalam
Names of Punya Kaalam (Including Sangramanam)
Identifying Punya Kaalam
Akamavai – Poornima days on four months and snanam Around it
Rajaswalai (Women during their menstrual cycle) and Chocha Niyamam
Kaamya Snanams (Snanams done for a particular Purpose)
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
Thaila Snanam
Importance and greatness of Snanam during Deepavali
Theertha Yatrai and its Greatness
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
Nithya Karma for a Bhramana
Timings around performing Sandhya Vandhanam
Asanas and Sthalas fit for Japam
Mantra to be uttered during the start of Japam
Asanas for Japas
People fit to use Aasanam
Method to do Pranayamam
Karmas to be performed by wearing Uthriyam around the waist
If Japas are to be done with Wet clothes then Sankyai for JapaMaalai, and classification of Utama (Ultimate), madhyama (Moderate) and Athama (unfit) Bedhams (Differences)
Names of Maalais for Japas
Kramam around counting using Rekhai
Theertham not fit to be used for Prokshanai
Samita Dhanam
Homarha Samith
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
Qualities for Samith
Quantity of Samith for Sroutha Karma
Quantity of Samith for Smaartha Karma
Samiths that are not to be used (Arham illadha Samith)
Pramanams around Aahuthi
Various Dharma
Bhrama Yagnyam
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
Pushpas not fit for Poojas
Kala Nirnayam (Determination of timings) for Performing Trikala Sandhyavandhanam (Trikala – Three times a day (Morning, Afternoon and evening)
Thila Tharpanam (Black Sesame = Thilam)
Yama Tharpanam
Beesha Tharpanam
Time around which Thila Tharpanam should be performed
Pushpas that are not fit for usage
Rules around performing Saligrama Pooja
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
Pusphas to be used for Worshipping SrimanNarayana
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
Rules around giving Biksha for Yathi and Bhramachari
Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
Pranahothi its signs and Rules
Timings around when a Bhramana should not speak and remain silent
Food that are not fit to be consumed
Food that can be served with Hand
Vaasthu that can be worshipped
Vasthus that are excluded during Bhojanam
Rules to be followed after Bhojanam
Mantra to be uttered while going to sleep on bed
Moksha Pala pradhanam
Sandhya Vandhanam
Gayatri’s Greatness
Arthodhaya Mahodaya Punya Kalangal
Chillarai Dharmangal
Dravya Sudhi Vishayam

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