MADHAI: Name of a saint.
MADHYAMA: Pranayama with 32 Matras
MAHA: Great.
MAHABHARATA: A Hindu epic.
MAHANT: Great sage
MAHAPURUSHA: A great soul.
MAHARISHI: Great sage
MAHASAMADHI: The departure of a Self-realized saint from his mortal coil.
MAHATMA: Great soul
MAHAVAKYAS: Great sentences of the Upanishads.
MAHIMA: Siddhi of making oneself huge
MAITRI: Friendship.
MAKARA KUNDALA: Earring of Lord Vishnu.
MALA: Impurities like lust, greed, anger, etc.
MAMATA: Mineness; attachment.
MANANA: Reflection.
MANDUKYA: An Upanishad.
MANIKARNIKA: A Ganga-bank in Kasi.
MANIPURA: A Yogic centre situated in the region of the navel.
MANMANAH: With mind fixed on Me (the Lord).
MANONASA: Destruction of mind.
MANORAJYA: Building castles in the air.
MANSOOR: Name of a Sufi sage.
MANTRA: Sacred syllable or word, or set of words through the repetition and reflection of which one attains perfection.
MANU: A divine sage regarded as the father of the human race.
MATPARAH: Devoted to Me (the Lord).
MATRA: A second, time: measure
MATRAS: Units; syllables.
MATSARYA: Jealousy.
MATSYASANA: The fish-pose of Hatha Yoga.
MAUNA: Vow of silence.
MAYA: The illusive power of Brahman.
MERU DANDA-Spinal column.
MITAHARA: Moderate diet
MITAHARA: Moderate diet.
MITAHARA-Moderation in diet.
MITHYA: False.
MOHA: Infatuation.
MOKSHA: Liberation, release
MOKSHA-Liberation, salvation.
MOUNA: Vow of silence.
MOUNI: One who observes silence.
MRIDANGA: A kind of drum.
MRIDU: Soft.
MUDHA: Dull and forgetful state of mind.
MUDITA: Cheerfulness.
MUDRA: Certain class of Hatha Yogic exercises.
MUDRA: Symbolic hand: position
MUKTA: Liberated.
MUKTI: Liberation.
MUKTI-Final emancipation.
MULA BANDHA: A Hatha Yogic exercise.
MULA-AJNANA: Primal ignorance which contains all potentialities.
MULADHARA: Yogic centre situated in the base of the spine.
MUMUKSHU: One who aspires after moksha or liberation.
MUMUKSHUTVA: Aspiration for God-realisation.
MUMUKSHUTVA: Intense longing for liberation
MUNI: An ascetic.
MUNI: Saint.
MURTI: Idol.
MURTI: Image or picture.
MURTI-UPASANA: Worship of image.
MUSSOORIE: A hill-station in India.
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Religious Knowhows,Manthrams,procetures,Yajur upakarma 2017,Aavani avittam,Sama Vedaham,Yajur Vedham,how to wear pancha katcham,vasthra dharanam,Garbhadhaanam,prasava punyaham,Abhdhapoorthi,Ayushya homam,Jaadhakarma,Naamakaranam,Annaprasanam, Naandhi,Chowlam,Upanayanam,Brahmopadesam,Sandhya Vandhanam,Samidhadhanam,Perumal Aaradhanam, Grihapravesam, Vasthuhomam, Manai muhurtham, Panjangam, Astrology, Horoscope Casting, Horoscope Matching, Matrimonial, Iyengar, Iyer, Vada Kalai, Then Kalai, Sri Vaishnava, Vradham, Vivaham, Kalyanam, Poochoottal, Pumsavanam, Seemantham, Shastiyapthapoorthi, Sathabhishegam, Nichayadhartham, Invitation printing, Divya prabandam, Divyadesams, Purusha suktham, Sri Suktham, Saastram, Sampradayam, Vadhyar, Vaidhikam, Vaideekam, Poorvam, Aparam
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