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I IDA: Psychic nerve: current flowing through the left nostril lunar
IDAM: This. INDRA: The Lord of gods; the ruler of heaven.
INDRIYA: Sense of perception whether physical (Karma Indriya) or internal current (Jnana Indriya)
INDRIYAS-Sense-organs. IRSHYA: Jealousy. ISA: Name of an Upanishad.
ISHTA MANTRA: The Mantra of the chosen or tutelary deity.
ISHTA: Object of desire, chosen ideal
ISHTA-DEVATA: Chosen or tutelary deity.
ISHVARA: Lord; God.
JADA: Inert; insentient.
JADA: Insentient.
JAGAI: Name of a saint.
JAGAT: World.
JAGRAT: Waking state.
JANAKA: Name of a royal sage.
JANMASHTAMI: Lord Krishna’s birthday.
JAPA-Repetition of Mantra or God’s name.
JATA: Matted hair.
JATHARAGNI-Digestive fire.
JIVA: Individual Soul.
JIVANMUKTA: One who is liberated in this life.
JIVANMUKTI: Liberation in this life.
JIVANMUKTI: Liberation while still in body, the state of Jnana or Knowledge, Wisdom of Brahman
JIVATMAN: Individual soul JNANA: Knowledge; wisdom.
JNANADEVA: Name of a Maharashtra saint.
JNANA-INDRIYAS: Organs of knowledge or perception.
JNANAMUDRA: Symbol of wisdom shown in hands.
JNANI: (Pronounced Nyani) A wise person.
JNANINS: The wise.
JYOTIS-Illumination. * ***************