

हरिणापि हरेणापि ब्रह्मणापि सुरैरपि।
ललाटलिखिता रेखा परिमाष्टुं न शक्यते।।


ललाटलिखिता रेखा – line written on forehead. There’s a saying that everone’s destiny is written on the palm and face.

परिमाष्टुं न शक्यते – is not possible to be cleaned/erased. It means whatever is there in one’s destiny, will happen.

And by whom itcannot be cleaned?

हरिणा अपि – even by Lord Vishnu
हरेण अपि – even by Lord Shiva
ब्रह्मण अपि – even by Brahma
सुरैः अपि – even by deitees
By none of them this line written on the forehead can be cleaned.


The line written on our foreheads cannot be cleaned even by Lord Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma or other deities. This is called नहि निन्दा न्यायः। In scriptures, lot of times, this न्याय is used. One thing will be criticized to glorify something else (पुरुषार्थ प्रयत्न)।अन्यस्य निन्दा अन्यस्य स्तुतः।


षट्पदः पुष्पमध्यस्थो, यथा सारं समुद्धरेत् ।
तथा सर्वेषु शास्त्रेषु, सारं गृह्णन्ति पण्डिताः ॥
The wise ones take away the essence of all the shastras, just as the six-footed bumble bee seated in the midst of a flower draws out its very essence.


पृथिव्यां पुत्रास्ते जननि बहव: सन्ति सरला:
परं तेषां मध्ये विरलतरलोSहं तव सुत:।
मदीयोSयं त्याग: समुचितमिदं नो तव शिवे
कुपुत्रो जायेत क्वचिदपि कुमाता न भवति।।

O Mother! There are many sons of Yours on this earth and they are gentle. Amidst them, I am Your child, who is extremely wayward. But I am Yours, and you cannot leave me. O mother! A child
can become bad or ignorant about his duties as an offspring, but the Mother always remains a Mother and is always compassionate.


कस्यादेशात्क्षपयति तमः सप्त-सप्तिः प्रजानां
छाया-हेतोः पथि विटपिनामञ्जलिः केन बद्धः ।
अभ्यर्थ्यन्ते जल-लव-मुचः केन वा वृष्टि-हेतो-
र्जात्यैवेते पर-हित-विधौ साधवो बद्ध-कक्षा: ।।

“By whose command does the seven-horsed one (the sun) destroy the darkness (that envelops) upon the people? Who configured the folded-hand formation (of branches of trees meeting each other) for providing shade? Who pleads with the bestower of water (the cloud) for rains? It is their very special charactristic that the noble ones are bent upon attending to welfare of others.”


09-10-2024 🙏

मनस्त्वं व्योमत्वं मरुदसि मरुत्सारथिरसि
त्वमापस्त्वं भूमिस्त्वयि परिणतायां न हि परम् ।
त्वमेव स्वात्मानं परिणमयितुं विश्ववपुषा चिदानन्दाकारं शिवयुवति भावेन बिभृषे॥
Mind you are, Ether you are, Air you are, Fire you are, Water you are, Earth you are,
And you are the universe, mother,
There is nothing except you in the world, But to make believe your form as the universe,You take the role of wife of Shiva, And appear before us in the form of ethereal happiness.



पापान्निवारयति योजयते हिताय।
गृह्यं निगृह्ययति गुणान् प्रकटीकरोति।।
आपद्गतं च न जहाति ददाति काले।
सन्मित्रालक्षणमिदं प्रवदन्ति सन्तः।।

This सुभाषितम् is about relationship of friendship.


पापान निवारयति – removes (your) evils/demerits.
योजयते हिताय – unites (you)with benefits/merits.
गुह्यं निगृह्ययति – hides (your)secrets
गुणान् प्रकटीकरोति – highlights (your) qualities/talents.
आपद्गतं च न जहाति – and does not leave you when you are in trouble.
काले ददाति – gives/helps when needed/at the right time.
सन्तः प्रवदन्ति – noble people say
इदं सन्मित्रलक्ष्णम् – this is the mark of a good friend.




आनृशंस्यमनुक्रोश: श्रुतं शीलं दम: शम: I
राघवं शोभयन्त्येते षड्गुणा: पुरूषोत्तमम् II
Non-violence, compassion, learning, good conduct, self-control (of senses) and tranquility (mind control) – these six virtues adorn Lord Rama – the best of men.

ऐश्वर्यस्य समग्रस्य वीर्यस्य यशसः श्रियः।
ज्ञानवैराग्ययोश्चैव षण्णां भग इतीरणा।।
These six opulences, when you find present in a personality in full, He is God- complete supremacy, or wealth; complete strength; complete fame; complete beauty; complete knowledge; and complete renunciation–are together known as bhaga. भगवान् = One who has all these attributes!🙏



सन्दिग्धे परलोकेऽपि कर्तव्यः पुण्यसंचयः।
नास्ति चेन्नास्ति नो हानिरस्ति चेन्नास्तिको हतः।।
(सन्दिग्धे परलोके अपि कर्तव्यः पुण्यसंचयः।
न अस्ति चेत् न अस्ति नः हानिः, अस्ति चेत् नास्तिकः हतः।)

Even if there is a doubt about the existence of God, it is better to be a believer and earn good deeds पुण्य. In case heaven or God does not exist, no harm will come to us. But if God does exist, then the non believer is definitely finished!!

My take : I think this may be the reason for most people to be under the Astik umbrella 🤣



अन्तो नास्ति पिपासायाः संतोषः परमं सुखं I
तस्मात्संतोषमेवेह धनं पश्यन्ति पण्डिताः II

There is no end to the thirst for acquiring more and more worldly things. Whereas being satisfied with one’s lot is the situation of ultimate bliss. Therefore, learned persons perceive the attitude of being satisfied with whatever one has, as the real wealth.


15-10-2024 🙏🙏


उभाभ्यामेव पक्षाभ्यां यथा खे पक्षिणां गति: ।
तथैव ज्ञानकर्मभ्यां जायते परमं पदम् ॥
Just as birds can fly high with the help of two wings, a person can attain supreme reality with the help of knowledge and performance of duties.

जिस तरह दो पंखों के आधार से पक्षी आकाश में ऊँचा उड सकता है उसी तरह ज्ञान तथा कर्म से मनुष्य परब्रह्म को प्रााप्त कर सकता है ।


16-10-2024 🙏🙏

अश्वस्य भूषणं वेगो मत्तं स्याद् गजभूषणम् ।
चातुर्यं भूषणं नार्या उद्योगो नरभूषणम् ॥

Speed is the asset of the horse; majestic walk is the asset of the elephant. Wit is the asset to women and constantly remaining occupied is the asset of men.



परिभ्रमसि किं मुधा क्वचन चित्त विश्राम्यतां
स्वयं भवति यद् यथा भवति तत्तथा नान्यथा
अतीतमननुस्मरन्नपि च भाव्य सङ्कल्पय-
न्न्तर्कितसमागममाननुभवामि भोगानहम्।।
भर्तृहरि वैराग्यशतकम्
Oh my mind, why are you roaming around undecided and miserable? Please be quiet and calm. Whatever is to happen will definitely happen. There is no remedy for it. I shall live a contended life without pondering over what has already happened and enjoying whatever comes by my way without any expectation.


18-10-2024 🙏🙏

धारणाद्धर्म इत्याहुर्धर्मो धारयते प्रजाः ।
यः स्याद्धारणसंयुक्तः स धर्म इति निश्चयः ॥

The word “dharma” is derived from “dharana.” It is “dharma,” which holds society together. Hence if something is able to hold people together, no doubt it is dharma. (Henceforth dharma).


19-10-2024 🙏🙏

दग्धं दग्धं त्यजति न पुनः काञ्चनं कान्तिवर्णम्।
छिन्नं छिन्नं त्यजति न पुनः स्वादुतामिक्षुदण्डम्।
धृष्टं धृष्टं त्यजति न पुनश्चन्दनं चारुगन्धम्।
प्राणान्तेऽपि प्रकृतिः विकृतिर्नायते नोत्तमानाम्।।
Despite being repeatedly burnt the gold does not lose its luster, despite being crushed and broken sugarcane doesn’t lose its sweetness, despite being rubbed repeatedly the sandalwood doesn’t lose its fragrance! Similarly the noble nature of great men doesn’t change till their last breath!!


20-10-2024 🙏🙏🌹🌹

नागुणी गुणिनं वेत्ति गुणी गुणिषु मत्सरी।
गुणी च गुणरागी च विरलः सरलो जनः।।

A man of no virtues does not understand a man of virtues. A man of virtue is jealous of those having virtues. A simple person who has virtues and who likes virtues in other men is very rare.

To be regarded as a gem of a person one should have virtues and should also appreciate virtues in other men.


21-10-2024 🙏🙏

आत्मानं रथिनं विद्धि शरीरं रथमेव तु।
बुद्धिं तु सारथिं विद्धि मनः प्रग्रहमेव च॥

  • The Kathopanishad
    Consider yourself as seated on a chariot, your body as chariot, intelligence as charioteer, mind as reigns! Thus by controlling the mind from wavering here and lead your journey of life.

नास्ति विद्या समं चक्षु नास्ति सत्य समं तपः ।
नास्ति राग समं दुःखम् नास्ति त्याग समं सुखम् ॥


There is no (power of) vision like education.
There is no penance as the the owe of truth.
There is no pain as that caused by desire.
There is no act that gives more happiness than sacrifice.


22-10-2024 🙏🙏

“स्वभावं न जहाति एव, साधु: आपद्रतोपि सन्।
कर्पूर: पावक स्पृष्ट: सौरभं लभतेतराम्।।
Just as camphor does not give up its fragrance despite being burnt in fire, similarly great men do not give up their inherent goodness even in calamities.

अर्थात्, जैसे कपूर, आग में तपने पर भी अपनी सुगंध नहीं छोड़ता, वैसे ही अच्छे लोग आपदा में भी अपने गुण, अपना स्वभाव नहीं छोड़ते।”



स्वस्त्यस्तु विश्वस्य खलः प्रसीदतां
ध्यायन्तु भूतानि शिवं मिथो धिया।
मनश्च भद्रं भजतादधोक्षजे
आवेश्यतां नो मतिरप्यहैतुकी।।-श्रीमद्भागवत पंचम स्कंध अष्टादश अध्याय
May all people in the world live in happiness and harmony . May the evil minds be sobered into goodness and think for the welfare of each others.May all be devoted to the service of that sempiternal God ie lord vishnu and entertain noble thoughts about the humanity.-GPB



कुलीनमकुलीनं वा वीरं पुरुषमानिनम्।
चारित्रमेव व्याख्याति शुचिं वा यदि वाऽशुचिम्।।
वाल्मीकि रामायणम्
It is only the character that tells whether a man is highborn or not, brave or only
proud of his manliness, honest or dishonest.



क्रोधः वैवस्वतो राजा
तॄष्णा वैतरणी नदी।
विद्या कामदुधा धेनु:
सन्तोषो नन्दनं वनम्॥

Anger is like King of Death. Greed is like turbulent river of hell. Knowledge is all fulfilling ‘kaama-dhenu’ the divine cow and contentment is the heaven’s paradise garden.


🙏🙏 26-10-2024 🌹🌹

सुलभाः पुरुषाः राजन् सततं प्रियवादिनः।
अप्रियस्य च पथ्यस्य वक्ता श्रोता च दुर्लभः।।
Oh king! It is very easy to find people who always speak pleasing words! But it is very RARE to find listener and speaker of unpleasant but true words!
( From Ramayana when Marichi tries in vain to convince Ravana, not to abduct Sita.)


One Response to Subhashitam

  1. Admin says:

    जपो जल्पः शिल्पं सकलमपि मुद्राविरचना
    गतिः प्रादक्षिण्यक्रमणमशनाद्याहुतिविधिः।
    प्रणामः संवेशः सुखमखिलमात्मार्पणदृशा
    सपर्यापर्यायस्तव भवतु यन्मे विलसितम्।।27।।
    The poet Shankaracharya says, Oh divine mother, may all my utterances be your chant, my movements be the mudras for your worship, may my wanderings be the parikrama around you, may my eating be offerings for you, my lying down be your prostations And in the sense of surrendering very own self unto you, may all the pleasures I enjoy in life, be offerings in your service.

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