Thank You
Thank you So much for all your contributions and considering to contact us.
Best Regards, Best Wishes with blessings for all youngsters of your family!
Sri Vaishnava Kendram provides services to its world wide customers and as well as astikas known or unknown. This website and Organization is maintained by one family with the support of thousands of its well wishers world wide like you. If you wish to enquire about any of our services you may contact us by any of the given contact information.
Million Dollar Question – Why to donate?
Yes, if you are fully satisfied with the reasons why to donate, you can do it whole heartedly and generously. You know, that there is no way to earn anything with this type of websites. Though I know it well, I started this website by trusting God. I started rendering online services in the year 1998. Till 2014 millions of astikas visited my web page contents and thousands of compliments feedback received so for ….. …. to be continued..
I assure you for a best vaideeka vadhyar service on Yajur – Apastamba and Sama – Dhrahyayana rituals like: Marriage, Upanayanam, Grihapravesam, Seemantam, Mani Pooja, Vaastu Pooja, Sri Sudharsana Homam and all Apara Karmas and Shradhams.
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